May 2, International Convention Centre, Sydney

Mindd Foundation is proudly celebrating 20 years of empowering communities to take charge of their health

Join us for a celebratory paddock-to-plate dinner with live performances and connect with other passionate parents, practitioners, educators, and farmers, all the while gaining inspiring insights from global experts in integrative healthcare

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Presenter: Elyse Comerford, Nutritionist

Meat Stock – The Golden Elixir!

Bone broth gets a lot of attention (for good reason), but have you been focussing on meat stock? Elyse will take us through the do’s and dont’s of making the most important healing food for gut and connective tissue repair, how to include it in your diet (it doesn’t just have to be soup!), and how to get it in for even the fussiest eaters. Elyse will also take us through the cases where meat stock is better for healing than bone broth, and share some stories of healing from her clinic, ‘Well Belly Health Clinic’.

  • How meat stock functions as a healing food

  • How to make the most effective (and tasty!) meat stock

  • How to include meat stock in your current diet

  • Including meat stock for fussy eaters

  • Real life stories of the benefits of meat stock

Elyse Comerford


Elyse Comerford is an Integrative Nutritionist and Certified GAPS Practitioner, Keynote Speaker, Mentor, and most importantly, Mum to Dylan & Bowie! Elyse’s primary focus for the past decade has been in private practice, helping hundreds of families overcome a whole host of health issues through the implementation of nourishing and healing principles, reducing toxic stress, and the GAPS protocol. This has become Elyse’s specialty, and has led her to work with families all over the world becoming well known for her specialisation in complex chronic health conditions. It has been a culmination of her education and experience in Nutrition, but most importantly her experience with her own healing journey that has driven her passion to empower as many people as possible with the key to their own health. Elyse’s approach is based on taking the normal “guilt, blame, shame and deprivation” approach and completely turning it on its head, focussing instead on healing, nourishing, and listening to the body at a deep root cause level.

Brittany Darling


Brittany Darling is a mum and nutritionist, with over 15 years of clinical experience. Frustrated by the lack of truly effective children’s supplements, she set out to create targeted, science-backed formulations that address specific health concern facing children today. Her multi-award winning supplement brand, I’m Nutrients is purpose led, providing only targeted formulations minus the junk.

Presenter: Liz Mumper, MD FAAP, FMAPS

Case Studies in Treating Tick-Borne Disease, Mold, & More

PANS & PANDAS are complex autoimmune diseases that require a multi-system approach. With PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome), infectious etiologies such as Borrelia, Bartonella and Babesia, are among potential triggers for the immune dysregulation resulting in an abnormal autoimmune reaction and negative behavior, physical, and cognitive changes.  Tick-Borne Diseases and Mold may cause or contribute to an acute or subacute presentation of fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, OCD, tics and more.  These symptoms need to be assessed and treated appropriately. Participants will learn the research-based functional medicine approach to the care, diagnosis and treatment of these children. She will present this informaiton in a case study format.

  • The participant will be able to understand the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of PANS and Basal Ganglia Encephalitis, especially as it relates to Borrelia, Bartonella and Babesia

  • The participant will be able to differentiate causes of anxiety, OCD and tics, as it relates to autoimmune encephalitis caused by Tick-Borne Diseases and Mold.

  • The participant will be able to define the triad of treatments for PANS, including antimicrobials, immune modulators and symptom supports for Tick-Borne Diseases and Mold.

Presenter: Nancy O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP

A Functional Medicine Guide on Microbes & Mental Health

PANS & PANDAS are complex autoimmune diseases that require a multi-system approach. PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep) involves antibodies from a strep infection reacting with brain tissue (specifically the basal ganglia in the brain) and triggering an abrupt onset of immune dysregulation and movement, learning and behavioral problems including OCD, anxiety and tics. With PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome), other infectious etiologies besides strep (especially Mycoplasma as well as COVID, viruses, other bacteria, and more), toxic exposures, and metabolic abnormalities are among other potential triggers for the immune dysregulation resulting in an abnormal autoimmune reaction and negative behavior, neuropsychiatric, and cognitive changes.  Dr. O’Hara will discuss the latest research in the assessment and treatment of these devastating but recoverable illnesses.  Participants will learn the research-based functional medicine approach to the care, diagnosis and treatment of these children.

  • The participant will be able to understand the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of PANS, PANDAS and Post Acute Infectious Syndromes (PAIS).

  • The participant will be able to differentiate causes of anxiety, OCD and tics, as it relates to autoimmune encephalitis.

  • The participant will be able to define the triad of treatments for PANS, PANDAS & PAIS.

Presenter: Presenter: Liz Mumper, MD FAAP, FMAPS

Kids and COVID

When COVID first emerged, everyone was confused – doctors, parents, patients,
government officials, and agency workers. However, it emerged rather quickly that COVID was
not a mortal threat for healthy children and adolescents. Nor were children with COVID a
transmission threat to immuno-compromised patients or vulnerable elderly. Dr. Mumper will
share her perspective, derived from four years of COVID research and collaboration, on how
different strategies should have been adopted during the first year of the crisis. She will argue
that mandates were never a good idea, that critical analysis of the initial clinical trials would
have led to different decisions, and that what the public was told differed from emerging
scientific truth.


  • Parents will understand the concept of stratified risk, in this case by looking at age as a
    risk factor. In COVID, the risk for children was miniscule.
  • Parents will learn how to make risk benefit decisions for their children. How significant
    was the risk associated with in-person schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic? How
    risky were the shots?
  • Parents will be able to identify propaganda in health messaging and value trusted professionals in the context of collaborative relationships as a source of information.
  • Parents will appreciate the value of truly informed consent in any medical intervention.

Presenter: Liz Mumper, MD FAAP, FMAPS

Kids & COVID

COVID in healthy children and adolescents was very different than COVID in sick
adults with multiple co-morbidities. Dr. Mumper will argue that a “one size fits all” strategy
focused on a novel gene therapy technology was misguided. She will review the data about risk
factors, early treatment and potential repurposed medications. She will outline the fallacies
inherent in testing and isolating people without symptoms and review the limitations of PCR
The vaccine “safe and effective” mantra is not nuanced enough to describe what really
happened during roll-outs of COVID injections. Dr. Mumper will critically analyse evidence that
the shots were not studied for and did not decrease transmission, that those who received
injections were more likely to get COVID multiple times, and that more adverse events were
reported than for other vaccines combined. She will share documentation of adverse events in
the following categories: cardiac, autoimmune, reproduction, cancer, and neurologic.
Clinicians may leave the lecture pondering such topics as the autonomy of healers, the role of
truly informed consent, and the insertion of politics into medical crises.


  • Clinicians will evaluate the timeline of emerging evidence about the need to stratify risk
    in those with COVID.
  •  Attendees will learn about the value of early treatment and using repurposed
    medications early in the pandemic.
  •  Audience members will explore the pitfalls of testing people without symptoms and using
    PCR testing for isolation decisions.
  • Attendees will get a quick tour through the data of the original trials, with a focus on the conflation of relative and absolute risk and the misrepresentation of the mRNA products as stopping transmission.
  • Clinicians will evaluate the evidence for five categories of COVID injection adverse events that have potential to be life changing.
  • Clinicians will be asked to reflect on their changing perspectives during the COVID crisis and how they will prepare to act during the next real or perceived crisis.

Presenter: Nancy O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP, FMAPS

Mold, Lyme and Mast Cell Activation

PANS & PANDAS are complex autoimmune diseases that require a multi-system approach. With PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome), infectious etiologies such as Borrelia, Bartonella and Babesia, are among potential triggers for the immune dysregulation resulting in an abnormal autoimmune reaction and negative behavior, physical, and cognitive changes.  Tick-Borne Diseases and Mold may cause or contribute to an acute or subacute presentation of fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, OCD, tics and more.  These symptoms need to be assessed and treated appropriately. Participants will learn the research-based functional medicine approach to the care, diagnosis and treatment of these children. She will present this informaiton in a case study format.

  • The participant will be able to understand the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of PANS and Basal Ganglia Encephalitis, especially as it relates to Borrelia, Bartonella and Babesia

  • The participant will be able to differentiate causes of anxiety, OCD and tics, as it relates to autoimmune encephalitis caused by Tick-Borne Diseases and Mold.

  • The participant will be able to define the triad of treatments for PANS, including antimicrobials, immune modulators and symptom supports for Tick-Borne Diseases and Mold.

Presenter: Nancy O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP, FMAPS

Microbes and Mental Health (PANS/PANDAS and More)

PANS & PANDAS are complex autoimmune diseases that require a multi-system approach. PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep) involves antibodies from a strep infection reacting with brain tissue (specifically the basal ganglia in the brain) and triggering an abrupt onset of immune dysregulation and movement, learning and behavioral problems including OCD, anxiety and tics. With PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome), other infectious etiologies besides strep (especially Mycoplasma as well as COVID, viruses, other bacteria, and more), toxic exposures, and metabolic abnormalities are among other potential triggers for the immune dysregulation resulting in an abnormal autoimmune reaction and negative behavior, neuropsychiatric, and cognitive changes. Dr. O’Hara will discuss the latest research in the assessment and treatment of these devastating but recoverable illnesses. Participants will learn the research-based functional medicine approach to the care, diagnosis and treatment of these children.

  • The participant will be able to understand the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of PANS, PANDAS and Post Acute Infectious Syndromes (PAIS).
  • The participant will be able to differentiate causes of anxiety, OCD and tics, as it relates to autoimmune encephalitis.
  • The participant will be able to define the triad of treatments for PANS, PANDAS & PAIS.

Presenter: Dr Kelly Francis MBBS. BSci (Med). FRACGP (2006)

Healthy Home

Our physical environment can have an enormous impact on our health and wellbeing.  Dr Kelly Francis will present to you all the potential hazards you can be exposed to under your own roof, and ways you can mitigate the dangers. 

Learning Objectives:

  • EMF’s: what are they, where are they, and what can you do about them?
  • Water: what should we be drinking, what do the various filtration devices actually filter, what on earth is hydrogen water and more!
  • Light: explanation of the different waveforms of light, what is good for us, when it is good for us, and what to avoid.
  • Air: discussion on airborne toxins, what to look for, how to test, and what measures we can take to improve our home’s air quality.
  • Toxins in the kitchen: what we cook with and cook on, wrap our food with, store our food in, our kitchen appliances- are they safe?  What can we do to make our kitchens safe?
  • Toxins on the body:  what we use on our skin- is it safe?  What can we use instead?
  • Toxins in the garden:  if you are growing your own vegetables, are you doing it safely?
  • Toxins in the bedroom:  We spend 1/3 of our lives in our beds- is your bedroom toxic?  Learn about ways to improve the health of your bedroom!
  • Cleaning products: Learn some healthier options to clean your home with, eliminating a potential major source of household toxins.

Presenter: Soulla Chamberlain

The Fundamentals of Robust Nutrition (from Vegan to Omnivore)

In this presentation Soulla will focus on the key principles of a nutrient-dense diet which provides a solid foundation for a life-long sustainable health. While health is multifactorial (and directly influenced by numerous lifestyle factors), nourishing your body with the anti-inflammatory, nutritionally-dense whole foods that we as a species have biologically evolved to eat is the cornerstone (as well as the fastest and easiest way!) of reclaiming and maintaining spectacular health with the most profound impact. Food is the most powerful medicine available to us to heal chronic illness and to remain vibrantly healthy. Soulla will detail the most nutrient dense foods and well as how to source and prepare them.

Learning Objectives in bullet point format
Attendees will learn the fundamentals of robust nutrition including a brief overview of:

  • The findings of Weston A Price
  • What are the most nutrient dense wholefoods
  • The importance of sourcing, processing and correct preparation of our foods
  • Debunking popular dietary myths  
  • The benefits of eating of an omnivorous traditional wholefoods diet versus modern industrialised diet


Soulla Chamberlain

Health Coach

Soulla is a cooking instructor specialising in real & traditional foods, a health coach, an advocate and teacher of toxic free living, a public speaker, a wellness blogger, a lover of the sun and sea, and a mother! Her mission started with bringing nutrient-dense traditional wholefoods back to the modern table for vibrant health and longevity and has grown into empowering people to live a vibrantly healthy life in all areas of their life but focusing first and foremost with the food, personal care products, cleaning products and medicines that people choose to bring into their home. Soulla has been instrumental in pioneering a traditional wholefoods and holistic lifestyle movement across Australia and further afield over the past 2 decades. She is a passionate spokesperson on food as medicine and provides people with the tools and resources to swap out dietary and environmental toxins in their home in a positive and empowering way. Small changes, big impact. It was her first hand experience as a burnt out corporate lawyer and former ‘hard core’ vegetarian/vegan that was the catalyst to seek an alternative approach to heal herself and her family.